1. How It Works
We’ll Increase Your Face Value
Your landscape represents quite an investment. Unfortunately, you may end up paying for it again and again if you never protect your plants with ongoing care.
With the Tree and Shrub Care Program, you’ll secure your landscape investment, and add to the value of your home with stronger, healthier, more beautiful trees and shrubs that you’ll appreciate for years to come.
Getting to the Root of Your Problem
Each of our applications serves a very important and timely function. From fertilization that spreads essential nutrients throughout the plant, to pest controls that discourage deadly diseases and insects – often before they occur.
With our program, you’ll also receive the special care and attention of your own personal Landscape Consultant. A professional who knows your landscape and its special needs, and will even tke the time to answer your questions, or point out a problem. Something you won’t find with other tree and shrub companies.
You’ll See Fewer Invisible Pests
The trouble with many insects is that you can’t always see them – except for their damage. And by then it may be too late.
Every Landscape Consultant is highly trained to recognize potential and existing pest problems. Although some feeding insects are not damaging to healthy plants, your Landscape Consultant will work to control harmful pests.
Your Landscape Consultant can also help identify diseases that aren’t always easy to spot. Diseases that would otherwise damage the plant, and spread to neighboring foliage. Many are controllable through our program.
Personal Care Applied
As a full service tree and shrub customer, you’ll receive a program specifically designed to enhance and protect your landscape. This program includes regularly scheduled visits from your Landscape Consultant every 4 – 6 weeks, plus the finest horticultural products and materials available. Your Landscape Consultant will always be available to answer questions or come by for a free service call if any special need arises.
Overwintering Insect Control
The topical spray application of superior horticultural spray oil helps control overwintering eggs and immature and adult insects by interfering fatally with their metabolism.
2. Application Details
Spring Feeding
Our own custom blend of essential nutrients is power injected or drenched into the root system. Our fertilizer will feature both immediate release and slow release nitrogen for enhanced color, improved leaf size and thickness, while stimulating overall growth.
Early Growth Protection
Insect control sprays during this time target insects such as tent caterpillars, aphids, leaf miners, and scale. Disease control is aimed at minimizing active leaf spotting diseases, scabs and rust. Micronutrients are applied as necessary to provide healthy coloration.
Mid-Season Growth Protection
control sprays target lace bugs, aphids, Japanese beetles as well as other sucking and chewing insects. Disease control is aimed at minimizing active leaf spotting diseases and rusts. Micronutrients as needed.
Mature Foliage Protection
Insect control sprays target leaf beetles, mites, aphids, and Japanese beetles. Disease control as needed. Micronutrients as needed.
Late Season Foliage Insect Protection
Spider mites and foliage feeding insects such as webworms and aphids are targets for this foliage spray application. Micronutrients as needed.
Deep Root Fertilization
Deep root fertilization is an essential application that provides fast and slow release nitrogren, phosphorus, potassium, and iron to encourage fall root growth and storage of food for the winter, fueling the first spring flush of growth. Micronutrients as needed. Phosphorus aids root development, plus helps flowing and fruit potential.
3. Tree & Shrub Care Schedule
Spring Fertilization – Nutrients are power injected into the root zone for enhanced color, growth, and flowering potential.
Early Growth Protection – Insect and disease controls are sprayed directly onto foliage to minimize damage.
Target Plant Protection – Control sprays targeted for certain plants and pest problems. Timing will be specific to pest problems.
Mid-Season Foliage Spray – This is the most effective application for controlling sucking insects. Continued disease controls are also included, as needed.
Late Season Foliage Spray – Spider mites and foliage feeding insects such as webworms and aphids are the targets for this foliage spray application. Micronutrients as needed.
Root Zone Fertilization – Root zone fertilization is an essential application that provides necessary nutrients to encourage fall root growth and to prepare plants for winter and spring growth.
Dormant Oil – A special application of horticultural oil to help control certain difficult insects in their overwintering stages, before damage occurs.